Install Sauce Connect on Linux
Sauce Connect provides .deb
package with Systemd service for Sauce Connect run command.
Other commands are available as well, but you will need to start them manually.
Install package
- ARM64
- x86-64
curl -L -o sauce-connect.deb
sudo dpkg -i sauce-connect.deb
curl -L -o sauce-connect.deb
sudo dpkg -i sauce-connect.deb
Edit config file
Edit the configuration file with your favorite editor:
sudo vim /etc/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml
Enable and start Sauce Connect service
sudo systemctl enable sauce-connect
sudo systemctl start sauce-connect
Check Sauce Connect Status
sudo systemctl status sauce-connect
Access logs
journalctl -u sauce-connect
Sauce Connect provides .rpm
package with Systemd service for Sauce Connect run command.
Other commands are available as well, but you will need to start them manually.
Install package
- ARM64
- x86-64
sudo rpm -i
sudo rpm -i
Edit config file
Edit the configuration file with your favorite editor:
sudo vim /etc/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml
Enable and start Sauce Connect service
sudo systemctl enable sauce-connect
sudo systemctl start sauce-connect
Check Sauce Connect Status
sudo systemctl status sauce-connect
Access logs
journalctl -u sauce-connect
Unpack the tarball
- ARM64
- x86-64
curl -L -o sauce-connect.tar.gz
sudo mkdir -p /opt/sauce-connect
sudo tar -C /opt/sauce-connect -xzf sauce-connect.tar.gz
curl -L -o sauce-connect.tar.gz
sudo mkdir -p /opt/sauce-connect
sudo tar -C /opt/sauce-connect -xzf sauce-connect.tar.gz
Link the binary
sudo ln -s /opt/sauce-connect/sc /usr/local/bin/sc
Add bash completion
- User
- System
echo 'source <(sc completion bash)' >>~/.bash_profile
sudo mkdir -p /etc/bash_completion.d
sudo ln -s /opt/sauce-connect/completions/sc.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/sc
Edit config file
This step is optional. You can use default configuration or configure Sauce Connect with flags or environment variables. See CLI reference for more details.
Edit the configuration file with your favorite editor:
vim /opt/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml
Start Sauce Connect
sc run --config-file /opt/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml