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Playwright Quickstart

Use saucectl -- the Sauce Labs test orchestrator CLI to run Playwright tests directly from your existing Playwright project.

  • Don't have Playwright tests but want to try? The Playwright Demo Repo includes a sample project structure, working configuration file, and sample Playwright test so you can get up and running in less than 10 minutes!
  • Already running Playwright? Let saucectl run your tests in the Sauce Labs Cloud, where you have access to thousands of OS/browser combinations and Sauce Labs analytics.

What You'll Need

Step 1: Install saucectl

npm install -g saucectl

saucectl requires access to a valid Sauce Labs account.

Use Environment Variables

saucectl detects your Sauce Labs credentials environment variables and prioritizes them over values in the credentials.yml file when both are present. If you have set them, you may skip this step. Not sure if you have them set? Run the following command to check:


If a value is returned for both variables, they are set.

  1. Run the configure command:

    saucectl configure
  2. Enter your Sauce Labs Username and Access Key at the prompts.

Step 3: Clone the Playwright Project

git clone

Step 4: Run Tests

Navigate to the Playwright example in the project you just cloned, then use the run command to run the sample tests.

cd saucectl-playwright-example
saucectl run

The console displays the executing tests, distinguishing which mode is running.

The results and test assets are available immediately following test completion in your Sauce Labs account.