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Working with ProGuard

If you use ProGuard to optimize and obfuscate your app, you can configure Backtrace to deobfuscate your crashing callstacks.

What You'll Need

  • A Backtrace account (log in or sign up for a free trial license).
  • Your subdomain name (used to connect to your Backtrace instance). For example,
  • A Backtrace project and an access token.


If the symbolication_id from the submitted crash matches a symbolication_id of a submitted ProGuard mapping file, the Backtrace Client will use that mapping file to deobfuscate the symbols from the submitted crash.

To do this, you need to upload the ProGuard mapping file corresponding to the build. Because the ProGuard file format does not offer any way to identify its corresponding build, it needs to be done by the programmer. For Backtrace, a UUID needs to be generated for each build.

  1. Add the following to the file for your app.

    -keep class**.* { *; }
    -keep class backtraceio.library.**.* { *; }

    # Add this line for Unity projects:
    -keep class backtraceio.unity.* { *; }
  2. Enable ProGuard mode in the BacktraceClient.

  3. Generate a UUID and set it as the value for the symbolication_id attribute. You will upload your ProGuard mapping file with this same UUID later.

    final UUID proguardMappingUUID = UUID.fromString("f6c3e8d4-8626-4051-94ec-53e6daccce25");
    final Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
    put("symbolication_id", proguardMappingUUID.toString());
Generating a UUID
You can use the uuidgen command to generate UUID's for each version of your software, for example:
$ uuidgen -N '1.0.0-beta' --namespace "f615d933-702b-5c5f-913d-18223dc80788" --sha1 6e5552ef-cca0-578f-8259-bef23a9566d3
$ uuidgen -N '1.0.0' --namespace "f615d933-702b-5c5f-913d-18223dc80788" --sha1 5a4d2886-fb5d-5d2e-80d8-4bcdf5f5c11b
$ uuidgen -N '1.0.1' --namespace "f615d933-702b-5c5f-913d-18223dc80788" --sha1 39642ed9-5a75-5186-9649-71a893e00340
  1. Upload your ProGuard mapping.txt file with the UUID from the previous step.

    To do so, you can use a tool like Postman or cURL to construct an HTTP POST request with the following parameters, and submit the mapping file as the request body.

    --data-binary @proguard-example/mapping.txt -X POST  -H "Expect:" "{your-subdomain}/{symbol-access-token}/proguard?symbolication_id={symbolication_id}"
for Windows

Make sure your ProGuard mapping file has Unix line endings before submitting to Backtrace.

You can now start sending ProGuard obfuscated crashes.